Educational Center for B2B Client Teams

We conduct training for client teams in the real estate industry to delve into aspects of tokenization. We also have an open section with lots of materials available to all users.

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Who is Sabai Academy designed for?

Sabai Academy boasts a comprehensive yet flexible structure, enabling us to engage with users across diverse knowledge levels and deliver pertinent information on top-priority topics, all at absolutely no cost.


For inexperienced users with no prior knowledge in either the crypto sphere or real estate investment industry, the open block of the academy will serve as an excellent launchpad for a confident start.

Crypto Users

Those well-versed in blockchain technologies will uncover a fundamentally new investment tool – tokenized real estate.

Real Estate Investors

For real estate buyers, tokenization enhances the accessibility of real estate investments and diversification opportunities. With a maintained high level of reliability, this asset class boasts increased liquidity owing to the ability for swift purchase and sale.

Real estate agents

Working with tokenized real estate opens up a previously untapped audience for realtors due to its low entry barrier. More clients, more deals, more money.

Property developers

Utilizing tokenization in the development industry accelerates the realization of assets at every stage of construction, ranging from excavation to occupancy. This facilitates quicker capital turnover and enhances business profitability.

Learning Formats

We understand the importance of catering to each individual user, which is why we have curated a variety of learning formats in one place to ensure the most effective user education.

Courses Icon


These consist of concise series of video lessons, focusing sharply on specific topics or areas. Ideal for those seeking to swiftly grasp essential knowledge.

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Textual content authored by industry experts, enabling users not only to build a foundational understanding but also to hone their expertise in particular domains.

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Every article and course module comes with a gamified test to reinforce the knowledge gained. And for those who enjoy competition, we've prepared a leaderboard of the academy's top students. Can you make it to the top?

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Sabai Protocol experts regularly host online sessions with users, delivering the latest insights from the realm of tokenization.

EXTRA training module for Sabai Protocol clients only

At Sabai Academy, we also provide expert training for client teams on handling tokenized products and integrating Sabai Protocol into their business processes.

  • Regular AMA sessions with industry experts

  • Detailed breakdowns of tokenization use cases

  • Marketing strategy development and positioning

  • Practical insights on utilizing the Sabai Protocol

  • Training materials for skill advancement

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Begin your learning right now!

The Academy is constantly being enriched with new materials, and each element of education is always updated to current tokenization market dynamics, maintaining constant relevance.

  • 23 Course modules published
  • >100 Expert articles posted
  • 500 000 $SABAI tokens have been paid out via the Learn-and-Earn
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